Priyanka Gill

About the Conversation

Vega on Air in conversation with Priyanka Gill, an entrepreneur and angel investor, Venture Partner, Kalaari Capital & Group Co-founder, Good Glamm Group.


  • - Benefits of learning by doing (learning through examples and case studies)
  • - Importance of individual attention tailor made for every child
  • - Entering in to child’s world by creating the right hooks into learning
  • - Importance of learning to think, and write, and most importantly, learning to communicate effectively being the strongest markers of success
  • - Building resilience as the most important skill to be taught by schools
  • - Dial down the focus on outcomes (only on exams and results), and rather than focus on the learning process and on building skills
  • - Importance of creating a happy and safe space for the child, especially in the early years
  • - Urgency and importance to take the pressure off outcomes and things imposed by the education system
Priyanka Gill
Priyanka Gill Apr 12, 2024