Global Schools Alliance

Global Schools Alliance
In a post Covid world it is increasingly harder to travel, however with the advancement of technology we are also increasingly working online with people across the globe. Some of our children may work abroad and almost all our children will virtually work with people across the world. A better understanding and the ability to connect with different cultures will give our children a big edge in the future. In order to familiarise our children with different cultures and regions we need to start early.
The best schools in Gurgaon and in the country as such need to create platforms for our children to interact with children across the world, to do virtual projects with them. From the Indian perspective Vega Schools, Gurgaon were able to meet the stringent criteria and were selected as the only North Indian School member of the Global Schools Alliance.
We continue to believe it is very important to enable global connections for both learners and teachers, so they are comfortable working with people from all over the world (across all cultures and regions) and so they imbibe best practices from everywhere.
The GSA is a collection of some of the world’s most innovative schools. They span several continents and countries - from the United States of America to the United Kingdom, across Europe (Denmark and Germany), in Asia - India, Indonesia, Cambodia, and beyond - Australia and New Zealand.
Being a member gives the schools and their students wide access to the best universities, corporations, international networks of school leaders, educationists, advisors, acclaimed thought leaders and other stakeholders.
The teachers under GSA are provided with a multitude of professional development opportunities, including international workshops and teaching fellowships amongst our tribe of schools around the world.
Faculty can also use professional development materials to model the behaviours the Alliance espouses in our commitment to global competency and world citizenship.
All students are encouraged to connect with peers from other school members for international collaboration and trans-national projects. They work together and present their findings to real world, authentic audiences. Teachers co-plan these projects in collaboration with their international counterparts. This is intended to give students first hand knowledge of different cultures and traditions around the world. The idea is to explore and experience various traditional values and to introduce global attitudes and sensitivities to learning.
Members also share their students' work outside of their local communities and with the greater Alliance because we believe that the final proof of a school's performance is in the quality of work done by the students throughout their school years. This work not only correlates with high scores and university admissions but also helps predict success because of real work.
The GSA also facilitates internships with other school members.
Annual Conference
The GSA has been conducting physical conferences for all GSA members since inception. Meets have been held in New Delhi (hosted by Vega Schools, Gurgaon), Denmark (Orestad) and Cambodia (Liger Learning Centre). The conferences are attended by Principals and select faculty members of all the GSA schools where cutting edge best practices are shared.
Virtual Meetups
The GSA schools also arrange virtual meets for their students where they not only connect with each other but also do joint projects and exercises. This gives students a global perspective, one they will carry with them throughout their lives. To conclude, being a part of a global education community is a must in the 21st century, one parents must ensure their children are a part of.
Global Schools Alliance
Global Schools Alliance
Global Schools Alliance

Glimps of Vega Schools Global Meet