Our learner is creative and confident. A whole child that grows into a complete adult. Where good values lead to good behaviour. Above all, our learner is a happy child who is empathetic and kind. Our learner is self driven, curious and motivated, one who has all the skills to excel both academically and in the real world. Every learner at Vega learns through PBL (Problem Based Learning) - which according to ASCD, USA (The Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development), is a modern learning system that brings in Experiential Learning, Inquiry Based Learning and Project Based Learning, thus making it very effective and robust. We deliver CBSE in a superior way with this 3 in 1 learning method. We are also fully aligned with the NEP 2020. Every school day, our learners are already doing exceptional things that they will continue to do for the rest of their lives. Some examples are in the videos below.