By Vega Schools

As a parent of a toddler who’s about to set out on their educational journey can be daunting. There are a bunch of things that you need to ensure in order to prepare your child for primary school and make sure they have a smooth journey. As this is the first time a child spends a considerable amount of time away from their primary caregivers, young learners need constant support from their parents to be able to feel at ease in their primary schools.

While the start of a new school year is exciting, the first day of primary school may be the most crucial learning milestone. However, given the widespread school closures caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, the start of the school year this year may be especially noteworthy for children (and parents) who have recently said goodbye to preschool.

Primary school is a significant developmental milestone for young children since it is their first year of “serious” education. As enjoyable as this time is for some, some primary school learners struggle with the extended hours, difficult academics, and time away from their parents.

Let’s look at five ways in which parents can help their children navigate through primary school and make the most of the time they spend there.

  • Establish Consistent Routines at Home.
  • Bedtime Routines
  • Reading Routines
  • Family Meal Routines

Explain What Primary School Will be Like

Talk to your child about primary school will be like to help them get ready for this big shift. Children frequently have questions about primary school, especially if they are attending a new school.

Spend time with your child talking about what primary school will be like.

Include them in the selection of school supplies (e.g., backpack, clothes, etc.). You may also talk about your primary school experience with your child to show them how to communicate their feelings.

Primary school is one of the most important times in a learner’s life. This is the time when children begin to build technical abilities and establish the groundwork for their academic future. This is why it is critical to enroll your child in a reputable primary school.  Vega Schools is one of Gurgaon’s most well-known primary schools.  We provide learners with a well-rounded education that allows them to discover their true selves. We are recognized for providing best-in-class teaching, cutting-edge facilities, and a balanced mix of academic and extracurricular assistance.

To learn more, visit our website.