By Megha Roy

‘How to score good marks in the boards?’  is a million-dollar question that has troubled us all at some point of time in our life. However, only a few of us have been able to find an effective answer to the question. But then, there are certain age-old strategies which if applied can help everyone to ace the boards and score great marks. 

The following are a few proven techniques to streamline studies and master the CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2023-24.

Self Discipline: A student should always remember that education is no less than ‘Sadhana’ which if practiced religiously will open every door to success. 

Planning a study schedule: Planning a study schedule from the very beginning is extremely vital as this would give the students a sense of time management. There should be enough time to finish the syllabus on time as well as practice test paper assessments and revise the learned topics. 

Understanding and then learning: There is no easy way to success, hence cramming answers will never help a student to learn a concept in a way understanding will. Cramming just leads to overloading one’s brain with information without putting any amount of thought to it, whereas by understanding a concept, the student remembers it forever.

Writing, writing, and writing: Writing notes after learning a concept is like consolidating an empire after conquering it. Just like the lack of consolidation might lead to the loss of an empire, the lack of writing practice does not enable long-term retention of concepts. Going forward, when it will be increasingly difficult for students to forget the learned concepts, the summarised notes will help them to store information in their minds effectively.

Attempt the mock tests: A wonderful technique for the student to assess where they stand on the topic, is to take practice tests and solve papers. Whether the student cannot decide where he/she is failing to score good marks or cannot locate that area which would give him/her that precious 1 or 2 marks which would make the score perfect 100, solving papers would be of great aid there. 

Health is wealth: Last but not least, students should never ignore their health whilst investing all their effort in the process of mastering the CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2023-24. Eating healthy food, getting good hours of sound sleep, regular exercise, and getting the daily dose of fresh air will definitely accentuate the learning process in the best possible way!

Vega Schools are proud that its students delivered outstanding results in their Grade X CBSE Board Exams 2022-23.