By Vanita Anand
Education gems in Gurgaon and New Gurgaon
“Children are like wet cement: whatever falls on them makes an impression” – Haim Ginott
From birth until adulthood, a child has defined needs. Broadly, there are three types of needs: social, bodily, and emotional. If children’s basic needs are addressed during their early years, they will lead happy lives, maximize their potential, and make the world a better place for themselves and others.
It is our primary duty as parents to make informed decisions that will both meet their needs and be beneficial to their emotional and mental health. For overall development as well as for academic success, life’s foundation must be solid. A child’s overall growth depends heavily on their schooling. The education of their children is given top priority by 21st-century parents. It involves extensive investigation and preparation.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Confucius
Through the process of making a decision about the best school in Gurgaon, parents discover the treasure of education. Although most schools have very good infrastructure and co-curricular activities, only a few have mastered skill-based learning, also known as ‘learning by doing’.
Education is not only limited to the school building but goes beyond. Education that fosters skills, curiosity, and personality traits is meaningful. While discovering the gems of education (defined as the really good schools that create the whole child), parents investigate and research the teacher-student ratio, co-curricular activities, infrastructure, etc.
A quality education is one of the fundamental things that kids should have. Therefore, finding an ideal school for a child should be a top priority for all parents. Building a consensus on what constitutes a good school is rather challenging.
An ideal school needs to have a few key characteristics.
“When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts” – Dalai Lama
A few best schools in Gurgaon and schools in New Gurgaon teach cultural heritage and diversity through projects from a very young age through problem-based learning (consisting of experiential learning and project-based learning). The projects not only help children understand their role in a community but also the dependency of society on them. Kindness, empathy, sensitivity, awareness, and respect for diverse cultures and festivals are taught from the very beginning.
A successful school should be able to blend academics and co-curricular activities to create students who are well-suited to promote societal growth. When a school fulfills all of these requirements, one may be certain that his or her child will benefit from attending that particular school.
The hidden pearl of education is being sensitive toward the surroundings and the environment. Schools in Gurgaon and schools in New Gurgaon are taking the lead and helping children become contributors and change-makers.