By Karishma 

Volunteerism is a basic expression of human relationships. It is about people’s need to participate in society and to feel that they matter to others. Service learning and volunteering can be a powerful, transformative way to help children of all ages understand that they are valuable pieces of a broader community puzzle with the power to give back and improve the world around them.

Top schools in Gurgaon focus on creating global citizens. These schools focus on providing an environment that enhances each child’s skills. Learners of the best schools are caring, risk-takers, responsible, principled, and empathizing.

The best schools have adopted varied strategies to make learners empathetic by providing community service and volunteering for good causes.

Some of the community services provided by the best schools in Gurgaon include:

Learners visit schools run by NGOs and sing Christmas carols for the children, teaching Christmas crafts, and donating Christmas caps and biscuits.

The learners make earthen Diyas during the pottery class selling them by setting up stalls in school and donating the money to NGOs or orphanages. 

Many schools set up boxes in school to collect old clothes, books, and toys to donate on Thanksgiving. 

These little steps at a young age make community service a habit of life and children understand that fewer privileged people need our help and support to meet their basic needs.

Benefits of community service: 

By getting involved in community service at a young age, a child benefits in a lot of ways:

  • Develops an increased sense of social responsibility – a global view of society and a heart for “giving back” and helping others.
  • Provides an opportunity to apply academic learning to real-life events.
  • Builds relationships and ‘social connectedness’, the process exposes students to diversity and multiculturalism.
  • Improves lifelong communication, interpersonal, and critical thinking skills.
  • Helps students find their passions and interests.

No education is complete without students being made to feel for the less privileged and marginalized. Community service aims to prepare students for their future by helping them learn what it means to be responsible citizens. Community service teaches students the value of serving others and helps them develop self-discipline and critical thinking skills. 

It is vital for students to remain connected with their communities and to be role models. To achieve this, it is essential that students must volunteer in local communities on a regular basis.

A student who volunteers time and participates in community service activities outside of the classroom demonstrates good citizenship. Community service provides an opportunity for students to build relationships with other people in the community.

While volunteering in community service activities, students develop real-world skills that will help them succeed in school and beyond. Most importantly, students learn that their work can make a real impact on the world. 

At Vega Schools’, we aim to provide opportunities for learners to serve the community through our Shram program.