By Vega Schools

Education is the initial and the most crucial step towards building your child’s future and providing your child with the ability to achieve his dreams. Education not only benefits the child in terms of knowledge, but it also further enhances the child’s confidence building, emotional and social skills, curiosity, and the ability of the child to decide where his interest lies. 

Having said all this, it is essential for the parent to go for one of the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon that offers a complete plan for education, keeping a child’s personal growth, extra-curricular activities, and personality development in mind.

Let us discuss a few things all the top CBSE Schools in Gurgaon have in common.

5 Things All the Top CBSE Schools Have in Common

1. Extra-curricular Activities 

Education indeed holds paramount importance in preparing a child for their future and goals. Still, extra-curricular activities such as debates, public speaking, sports, clubs, arts, leadership programs, and technological skills hold equal importance. Extra-curricular activities provide skill sets necessary for the child to prepare and excel outside the school and in real life. 

The top CBSE schools offer extra-curricular activities like public speaking, debating societies, sports, dance, art and craft, various organizations and clubs, allowing students to discover their talents.

2. Qualified Teachers

Having qualified teachers ensures good education, but it also ensures that equal attention is paid to children and every child is heard. In addition, qualified teachers make sure that children can face their fears, ask their doubts, have a holistic approach towards education, and express themselves with no fear. 

The top CBSE schools in Gurgaon have an army of qualified teachers that offer an ideal approach to teaching, ensuring that students perform their best and recognize their full potential.

3. Integrated Approach Towards Education

An integrated and holistic approach towards education is a way of both learning as well as teaching.This approach not only focuses on classroom theory but also emphasizes the emotional and intellectual growth of the students. In addition, this approach helps a student explore various fields and realize their true potential and capabilities. 

The top CBSE schools in Gurgaon provide a holistic approach to education, going above and more beneficial than traditional schooling.

4. Up to Date Technology

It has become necessary for all the students to be familiar with a healthy and proper use of advanced technology. Although having up-to-date technology is beneficial as it helps the students get broader and easier access to knowledge and information, it is also essential as education is no longer confined to four classroom walls.

Top CBSE schools in Gurgaon make sure that they providehigh level and up to date technology to their students for a better and systematic education. 

5. Quality Counselling to the Students 

Students have various feelings that they have to deal with. It can be either positive or negative or both. Having quality counseling provided to students ensures that their emotions are well channelized. As a result, the students can have career counseling and speak out their feelings without fearing being judged or made fun of. 

 The top CBSE schools in Gurgaon provide high-quality counseling to their students for a better insight on how to handle their emotions as well as careers. 

 Vega School is one of the top CBSE schools in Gurgaon, providing an integrated approach towards educations, top-rated teachers, and various extra-curricular activities. We have a unique teaching methodology that focuses on problem-based learning and offers a healthy mix of practical and theoretical exposes. In addition, Vega School focuses on the student’s personality development and helps them prepare for a life outside school.