By Mahima Massey 

From personal relationships to the workplace, communication is a make-or-break skill.

Communication is the process of sending and receiving information through people. Effective communication is important starting from birth. Warm, gentle, and responsive communication helps a child. Children feel safe and secure in their world. Communication also helps to establish and strengthen relationships with the child.

In order to grow, develop and enhance skills, children need safety, security, and strong relationships, hence communicating well with them is essential to development. The top schools in Gurgaon recognize this and focus on the development of communication skills in the child.

For a child, it is important to communicate and express his / her thoughts and feelings freely.

As educators, we use various strategies to bring out the best in the child, as well as boost the child’s communication and listening skills.

Communication skills are important in child development and growth for the following reasons:

Clear expression

It is essential that children express themselves clearly and convey their feelings in a better manner.

Communication skills can facilitate learning and meaningful exchange of information with others.

They also enhance the child’s social IQ by helping her build healthy relationships during her interactions with others.

Complete Attention

With children being exposed to a wide range of devices from a tender age, it is essential to help them understand that their complete attention is required when someone is speaking to them. We always encourage the child to look at the person when speaking to them. This will teach them to always pay attention to what is being said.

Open Ended Questions

We encourage the use of open-ended questions with school children – for example, start with ‘What could we do….?’, ‘Can you find a way to…..?’ – has shown it can support learning and develop creative thinking and problem-solving skills. This is compared to closed questions such as, ‘What is the capital of France?’ which needs a one-word answer only.

Active listening

For a child to improve their communication and listening skills. It is very important to build trust between you and your child. If you won’t talk to them or listen to them properly, it can diminish their self-expression, and self-esteem which is an important factor that helps children to improve their communication and listening skills.

So these are some of the most important points that are followed and practiced at the top CBSE Schools in Gurgaon.

As it is well said that Children need models rather than critics. We need to listen to our children rather than pointing out their mistakes and help them communicate and express themselves freely.