By Daniel Curry
The world has seen incredible developments over the past century. We’ve gone from the very beginnings of powered flight to sending men to the moon and satellites deep into our solar system. Technology has also grown at a phenomenal rate. In the 1960s, a man named Gordon Moore posited that the number of transistors on a computer chip doubled every couple of years. This has grown into a general guideline called Moore’s Law that sees our computing capacity, speed, development, etc. double every 18 months to 2 years. We’ve gone from arithmetic growth to geometric growth. Tag: Best Schools in Gurgaon
In the midst of this rapidly changing world, education in many places lies stagnant. Historically, education was limited to the higher classes and was intended to pass on factual knowledge. In some countries, schools were developed only for religious reasons and involved the memorization of texts. In most cases, students’ primary tasks in schools were rote memorization. Literacy rates were not high, and books were few and expensive. The best way to maintain social and cultural memory and pass on fundamental knowledge is through repetition and memorization.
In today’s world, global connections and access to information is instant from anywhere. The amount of information available is staggering and often conflicting. Now, students need to learn to navigate this sea of information with the aim of application, problem-solving, discernment, critical thinking, and more. Yet most schools in Gurgaon are not designed for this kind of approach.
The Top Gurgaon Schools have made efforts to adjust to the new reality. Rather than having students remember information, they should be given opportunities to apply information to real-world problems. These top schools ensure that all learning has real-life context and that students learn that information is a tool to be applied in the solving of a problem.
In addition, we want our students to be thoughtful and contributing members of society. They should have a global perspective and the self-knowledge to pursue their interests in a positive way. In today’s work world, skills like collaboration and empathy are necessary for teams to work well together. Skill development happens through practice, and in top schools, students do this daily as they work on projects, collaborate with others, and present their findings.
Traditionally, schools have also presented different subjects in isolation. They are treated as independent from other subjects. Top Gurgaon schools will also provide interdisciplinary instruction. This means that the academic objectives of various subjects (like English, Maths, Science, etc.) can be addressed within an all-encompassing project.
For example, a project may be on the preservation of tigers. In this, the students learn the science behind the reasons for endangered species. They learn to research the root causes of the problem, which also includes mathematical analysis of land usage, population growth, and more. Writing skills are developed as they pen letters to officials or write persuasive essays to encourage courses of action. Art and theatre become important as they prepare a comprehensive presentation to share their learning and recommendations publicly. This is the kind of education needed to prepare students for today and tomorrow, not for the world of yesterday. This is the power of education.
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