By Vega Schools

With the National Education Policy, India is pursuing a major update in the education system. The Top schools in Gurgaon are already well on their way to meeting or even ahead of NEP compliance goals. Understandably, there are many questions about what these changes mean and how students will be affected.

Pedagogical approaches like Problem based learning include experiential learning, inquiry based learning, and project based learning. This approach incorporates the most effective, research based instructional strategies. Parents may wonder if having their children in these schools means they will need to attain higher education outside India.

This pedagogy can be applied to any set of national or international objectives. It is the ‘how’ of teaching, not the ‘what’. For example, Vega schools are CBSE affiliated. Other schools may choose other affiliations. The ‘what’ – that is, what students are to learn and be able to do at each grade level, is set by CBSE. This means students who study in progressive schools will matriculate through the CBSE system and will have both national and international higher educational options available to them.

The curriculum is similar across the world

Interestingly, in my experience working in US and International education, the ‘what’ from system to system does not change much. Objectives in CBSE, IB, UK or US standards are similar in all grades, across pre nursery, nursery school, kindergarten, primary middle and senior school. What is different from country to country and board to board is how the school delivers the curriculum – the quality and type of instructional pedagogy.

Research says progressive learning leads to better learning outcomes

Research supports better long term outcomes for students who have had these progressive pedagogies. Students remember more and can apply their knowledge to new situations. They are critical thinkers who can collaborate and solve problems. Essentially, they are better prepared and have a deeper understanding of the CBSE curriculum than students in traditional settings.

There are more options for children from progressive systems

As such, students from experiential learning schools have more options open to them. They are more able to succeed in either national or international settings. Should they choose higher education in India, they will be able to be leaders as they understand collaborative strategies and how to work in teams to solve problems. Should they desire international universities, they will be better able to adapt to new environments and apply what they have learned in new settings and new situations.  In short, they are prepared to take whatever life throws at them.

Top Indian colleges are now testing application of concepts

As India continues to move towards progressive education for all, their other systems will need to follow suit. Examinations are transitioning to be more about thinking skills and understanding rather than rote memorization. Universities are also making the transition in this direction. IIM and IIT entrance examinations now test depth of knowledge and the ability to apply knowledge. This is the reason so many parents whose children are going to traditional schools need to sign up for tuition lessons.

However, there is no reason a student at a top school with progressive pedagogy can’t succeed even in the current environment. There is no need for students to look outside the country for further education as a result of progressive education. On the contrary, they have the ability and skills to choose any location and be successful.

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