By Sandy Hooda 

The world is changing at the speed of light. Everything around us is vastly different from how it was a decade back. From automobiles to hand phones, from how we shop to how we travel, from how we live to how we work, everything stands transformed.

The pandemic has further accelerated change. Businesses, managers and employees are facing challenges they’ve never faced before. There is demand for very different types of talents, skills and abilities that them to manage this unpredictability and chaos.

How we learn begins at an early age. Brain scientists agree that most of the brain development takes place during our early years. Early education plays the most important part in the development of skills, abilities, talents and passions. These are the main reasons children need to be educated in a better way.

Progressive education when implemented properly has the following benefits:

Depth of knowledge  

High-quality progressive education ensures concepts are understood in depth, so they can be applied during school and also later in life. This is needed not only while applying for the best colleges (IIT, IIM’s, Ivy league colleges, etc), but also for when our children will enter the workforce. Ideally, with good education, there should be limited need for pre-college tuition classes.

Creativity and innovation

Some of the world’s most successful people (and companies) are known for their creativity and innovation. The present education system is based on content to be tested in an exam where there can only be one right answer. The real world does not operate in this manner. Progressive education teaches children to think and to find more than one answer (also known as divergent thinking).

Working well with others

One of the most important qualities (usually not taught in school) is to be able to work well with others. If children spend most of their school time doing individual work (and are tested individually) this quality cannot be developed. Progressive education exposes them to group and team activities through projects and problem-solving activities. 


Progressive schools employ ‘problem solving based learning’ which constantly pushes children behind their comfort zones. Children are made to struggle in a positive and constructive manner from when they are very young. They are also encouraged to experiment and to fail. And to learn and grow from failure. This process equips them to become mentally stronger.

Ability to communicate well

Traditionally schools haven’t done much to develop communication and presentation skills in children. Progressive education methods prepare children to present to a variety of audiences from a young age. Children are are made to regularly work in groups where real communication skills are formed. 

Ability to listen well 

The art of active listening helps build social and emotional bonds. The best leaders of today are great listeners and manage by asking questions. Empathy is considered to be one of the most important qualities in leaders. Group activities and projects naturally encourage children to develop active listening skills and empathy.


Confidence comes from knowing the subject in depth. When children learn by applying they become more confident about their learning. Through student-led conferences and project exhibitions confidence is further reinforced.

Ability to influence others

When children work together in groups they learn how to build consensus, they learn the art of leading and influencing those around them.

Lifelong learning habits

Learning to learn is probably the most important skill of the 21st century. With everything changing rapidly, existing skills are becoming outdated every day. CEOs and HR managers also define ‘learning to learn’ as one of the most important skills. Progressive education involves the application of knowledge to solve problems. This requires children to learn new skills on an everyday basis.


Happy learners are always more attentive. Attention leads to retention and better academic performance. Top progressive schools invest a lot in creating a culture of happiness where children will look forward to learning and relationships with their teachers.

The new methods have made education far more advanced. Children are now taught using newer techniques such as project based learning, experiential learning and inquiry-based learning.

Some of the best schools in Gurgaon, and in India are increasingly basing their learning based on these new methods. 

Be it a Pre-nursery school, a nursery school, kindergarten, primary school, all must focus on educating children using these improved methods.

Next time we look for ‘a nursery school near me’ or ‘CBSE schools near me’ or ‘Top 10 schools of Gurugram’, we must keep the education advancements in mind. Selecting the right school is possibly the most important decision we will ever make for our child.

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